Why not follow yonder Starrett’s lead this Christmas?

From left: Robert McKechnie commercial director of Starrett; Christian Arntsen, Starrett, VP of Industrial Products International; Rod Fay, Jedburgh Foodbank treasurer; and Nicky Richardson, financial director at Starret.From left: Robert McKechnie commercial director of Starrett; Christian Arntsen, Starrett, VP of Industrial Products International; Rod Fay, Jedburgh Foodbank treasurer; and Nicky Richardson, financial director at Starret.
From left: Robert McKechnie commercial director of Starrett; Christian Arntsen, Starrett, VP of Industrial Products International; Rod Fay, Jedburgh Foodbank treasurer; and Nicky Richardson, financial director at Starret.
Having been at the heart of the community for over 60 years, Jedburgh toolmakers Starrett has decided that this year, instead of sending Christmas cards, they’ll give back to the community and donate £1,000 to the local Jedburgh Churches Foodbank.

An independent charity run by a group of volunteers, the Jedburgh Foodbank depends solely on the generosity of donors and supporters to provide or buy food for those in need.

This year, with the cut in Universal Credit and the ongoing Covid pandemic, issues have only been exacerbated, with foodbanks seeing greater demand.

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Every penny of the money donated will go on to help ease food poverty in the Jedburgh area.

Operating out of the Jedburgh Old and Trinity Church, with support from St John’s Episcopal Church and St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church and Ancrum, along with the Ale and Teviot Churches, 12 volunteers run the charity, delivering parcels across to Jedburgh, Ancrum, St Boswells and Newtown St Boswells.

Rod Fay, treasurer of Jedburgh Churches Foodbank, said: “This generous donation from Starrett will enable us to buy in stock in the run-up to Christmas.

“Our clients will be very grateful for the help that this donation will provide. We are currently providing about 50 parcels a month, each of which supports two to three people on average.”

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Nicky Richardson, financial director of Starrett UK, added: “At Starrett UK, we believe in the spirit of community. By donating these funds, it is our hope that local families and vulnerable people across the area will have a more enjoyable Christmas.”