Boost for jabs

NHS BordersNHS Borders
NHS Borders
NHS Borders has boosted its efforts to ensure as many people as possible can receive their Covid-19 booster jag by the end of the year.

A spokesperson for the local health board said: “Our teams are actively working on adapting our plans to get booster doses to everyone who is eligible as quickly as we can.

"As part of this work we are adding additional clinics and extending clinic times to increase the number of people we can vaccinate.”

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Extra clinics are being held in the Borders Events Centre in Kelso’s Springwood Park and the Borders College Campus in Galashiels.

They are as follows: (Today) Tuesday, December 14: Borders Events Centre, Springwood Park, Kelso, 6pm - 8pm and Borders College Campus, Netherdale, Galashiels, 8:30am – 12:30pm | 1:15pm – 4:30pm.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 15: Borders Events Centre, Springwood Park, Kelso, 6pm - 8pm.There will be further clinics on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at the Borders Events Centre.

Thursday's clinic will be open from 6pm-8pm, and from 9.30am-6pm over the weekend, with a 45-minute break from 12.30pm.

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The spokesperson added: “If you are attending a pre-booked appointment or attending one of our drop-in clinics please be patient as our teams are working incredibly hard to ensure this huge task is achieved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

"If you have a vaccination appointment already scheduled during December please do not try to rebook an earlier appointment. Attend your scheduled appointment.”

These clinics are drop-in only for the Covid-19 vaccine and flu vaccines will not be offered.

The clinics will be open to the following people:

First doses if you are aged 12 or over

Second doses if you are aged 18 or over and had your first vaccination dose at least eight weeks ago or if you are aged 16-17 years old and have your first vaccination dose at least 12 weeks ago

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Booster doses if you are 30 and over and had your second dose at least 12 weeks ago.

The expansion of the service comes after concerns over the new Omicron variant of the disease, and increasing numbers of cases nationally.

The latest seven-day figure in the Borders (from December 5-11) was 328 new cases.

However, the region is still recording the lowest figures on the Scottish mainland.