Addison and Lucy are picked to lead celebrations

From left: second attendants Lana Rae and Toby Richardson, Tweedbank Lass Lucy Tait,Tweedbank Lad Addison Bell, and first attendants Katie Hamilton and Mateusz Paszkiewicz.From left: second attendants Lana Rae and Toby Richardson, Tweedbank Lass Lucy Tait,Tweedbank Lad Addison Bell, and first attendants Katie Hamilton and Mateusz Paszkiewicz.
From left: second attendants Lana Rae and Toby Richardson, Tweedbank Lass Lucy Tait,Tweedbank Lad Addison Bell, and first attendants Katie Hamilton and Mateusz Paszkiewicz.
The 2018 Tweedbank Lad and Lass and their attendants were announced at the village's community centre on Saturday evening, and all involved are looking forward to a fantastic summer.

The 11-year-olds will be representing the village at this year’s celebrations.

Addison Bell and Lucy Tait got the nod as the main principals – Tweedbank Lad and Lass.

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They will be ably supported by first attendants Mateusz Paszkiewicz and Katie Hamilton and second attendants Toby Richardson and Lana Rae.

Fair convener Georgina Boggs said: “The principals are a great mix of young people and are very supportive of each other.

“Addison, well, his grin on the night said it all and Lucy was shocked into being speechless ... which can be hard task for her.

“As convenor, I am very proud to be supporting them all in 2018 and really look foward to welcoming the community and friends to the planned events.

TweedbankFair Week runs from Saturday, May 26, to Saturday, June 2, and loads of activities are planned.

They include a kids’ disco, a family treasure hunt and the annual fancy-dress contest.