Adventurer Sarah paddles into Galashiels campus with some words of inspiration

Have you ever felt the urge to see more of the world, before coming to the conclusion that it would be safer staying put?

If that sounds all too close to home, perhaps the final talk in the Royal Scottish Geographical Society’s Inspiring People programme will inspire you not to give up.

In April, 2011, rower and adventurer Sarah Outen left London’s Tower Bridge behind in her bid to loop the northern hemisphere, circumnavigating the world by rowing boat, bike and kayak under her own steam, over two-and-a-half years, sharing the journey with schools as she travelled.

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Four-and-a-half years later, she paddled back under Tower Bridge, having had a journey quite different to the one she had imagined.

The society’s Gemma McDonald said: “Sarah’s story is inspiring as much for its failures as its successes.

“She is honest about the hardship of exploration, her story is definitely about having a go, failing, having another go, embracing change and of learning when and how to let go.”

Sarah, who was born in Germany and grew up in England, will be the final speaker in the six-month RSGS Inspiring People talks programme on Tuesday, March 28, at 7.30pm in the Heriot-Watt Scottish Borders Campus in Galashiels, sharing the tale of her treacherous, and at times seemingly impossible, journey.

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During most of her journey, she was solo, except on the kayaking legs, where she was joined by renowned paddler Justine Curgenven.

From the young Chinese man who joined her on a whim through the Gobi desert, to a mid-ocean rescue after a tropical storm, to the remote Alaskan communities in the Aleutians – Sarah’s journey was one of contrasts and change.

After her talk, held in partnership with outdoors clothing firm Tiso, Sarah will also be signing copies of her latest book, Dare To Do.

Tickets are available at the door and online until midday the day before the talk.

Tickets are free for RSGS members, students and Under-18s, £8 for Tiso Outdoor Experience cardholders and £10 for visitors.

For more information, visit