Peebles woman swore at police officers in hotel

County Inn Hotel, PeeblesCounty Inn Hotel, Peebles
County Inn Hotel, Peebles
A Peebles woman responsible for a disturbance while eight off-duty police officers were having a night out in a town hotel has had sentence deferred for good behaviour until February.

Lisa Gray, 46, of Kingsland Square, pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner in the County Hotel, in High Street, on November 10 by shouting and swearing, making abusive comments and pulling a customer’s hair.

Procurator fiscal Graham Fraser told Selkirk Sheriff Court that if Gray wanted to avoid getting involved in trouble it was not wise to go into a pub drunk and obstructive and start bothering off-duty police officers trying to enjoy a night out.

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He said Gray knew them from her dealings with them for various matters that had previously ended up in court.

She called one female officer a “two-faced b****” and a male officer a boring b******.

Mr Fraser added that Gray had pulled one of the officers’ hair in an effort to get attention and was abusive throughout.

She was told repeatedly by the police officers to be quiet but refused to desist, so eventually they paid their bill and left.

It was later discovered that she was in breach of a home curfew.