Adam's royally chuffed to receive letter

Adam with his letters.Adam with his letters.
Adam with his letters.
A primary school pupil from Selkirk has a new fan, who just happens to live in Buckingham Palace.

Nine-year-old Adam Amos, who attends Philiphaugh Primary School, was diagnosed with dyslexia just before the first lockdown, which made home schooling particularly difficult for his parents, Samantha and Matt, who are separated.

Samantha told us: “Like every other child, Adam had to do home schooling, which for both me and his dad and his partner Dawn McDowall, was very difficult as we didn't know the strategies for Adam to read or write.

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"This was also a very hard and challenging time for Adam as he was really just at the beginning of his dyslexia diagnosis and was just starting to understand that it wasn't his fault he couldn't read or write, it's just a wee thing in his brain that he needs some help with.”

However, a plan was put in place by Dawn, who Samantha describes as a “Wonder Woman”.

She set Adam a challenge to write someone a letter … and he chose the Queen. He wrote to her, telling her a bit about his diagnosis.

He thought that might be the end of it, but was astonished when he received a letter back, signed by the Queen’s lady in waiting, which said Her Majesty was “interested to hear about” his challenge, and thanked him for thinking to write.

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Samantha said: “He’s over the moon. He’s now talking about writing to her again to tell her more about his dyslexia.

“It's moments like these that makes you appreciate everything and everyone than can make a difference in one person's life. Either it be big or small. For Adam this is huge.”