Borders MPs pledge to get behind new PM Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty ImagesBoris Johnson (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty Images
Boris Johnson (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP)TOLGA AKMEN/AFP/Getty Images
The Borders’ two Tory MPs have insisted their party must unite behind its new leader, following the announcement of the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson this morning.

Speaking after the result, which saw Mr Johnson beat fellow candidate Jeremy Hunt to the top job with 66% of the vote, Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk MP John Lamont said the party must now come together to deliver Brexit.

Mr Lamont, who had backed Foreign Secretary Mr Hunt, said: “While I am disappointed that Jeremy Hunt has not received sufficient backing, now is the time for the Conservative Party to come together and to deliver Brexit.

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“We need to respect the result of the 2016 referendum so that we can move on as a country. As a party we also need to unite to prevent Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister and oppose Nicola Sturgeon and her obsession with breaking up Britain.

“On Brexit, the EU now needs to recognise that significant changes are required to enable a deal to get through parliament and that our Prime Minister is serious about no deal being the alternative.”

Praising both Mr Johnson and Mr Hunt on “a positive campaign”, he added: “I am pleased that both candidates have spoken so much about the importance of strengthening our United Kingdom.

“I cannot recall a leadership campaign where Scotland and Scottish issues have featured so highly and that has been good to see.

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“After this campaign, I am sure Boris Johnson will put the future of the United Kingdom at the very heart of his premiership.”

Meanwhile a spokesperson for Scottish Secretary David Mundell, MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, has confirmed that he will not be resigning the cabinet role following the announcement.

Tweeting after the result, Mr Mundell, who previously raised concerns over Mr Johnson’s “do or die” Brexit strategy, which he felt would increase support for independence, commented: “I congratulate Boris Johnson on his clear win in the leadership contest.

“Our party must now unite behind the new leader and prime minister, so we can get on with the job of delivering Brexit, whilst maintaining a strong United Kingdom.”