Gala's looking blooming lovely

Gala in Bloom volunteers Keith Crighton, Alaistar Waddell, Johnny Gray, Billy Hamilton and Ian Haldane at Old Gala House.Gala in Bloom volunteers Keith Crighton, Alaistar Waddell, Johnny Gray, Billy Hamilton and Ian Haldane at Old Gala House.
Gala in Bloom volunteers Keith Crighton, Alaistar Waddell, Johnny Gray, Billy Hamilton and Ian Haldane at Old Gala House.
Galashiels is once again awash with colour, after volunteers have reintroduced annual planting in the Bank Street Gardens, Old Gala House (pictured above), Gala Aisle, the interchange and town signs.

The Gala in Bloom group, along with other volunteers including the Ex Braw Lads & Lasses and Girl Guides have been hard at work to put the colour back into the town, after annual planting was again introduced in Bank Street Gardens, Old Gala House, War Memorial, Gala Aisle, the Interchange and town signs.

This is the first year since the council withdrew their provision of floral displays throughout the town that the volunteer group has taken over the complete organisation and maintenance of the areas, with the council providing a grass cutting service.

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The Gala in Bloom group is a sub-group of the town’s community council and a spokesperson for the group was quick to acknowledge the funding received from Hayward/Sanderson Trust, Gray/Sanderson Trust, the Galashiels British Legion, Dalgetty Bakers customers, the Rotary Club Of Galashiels and fees from the town’s car parks.

This funding allowed the planting works to be carried out at Bank Street Gardens by Rakers Landscaping and at Old Gala House by Lowood Plant Nursery.

Other individuals and groups have also given their time to improve the visual impact of the town, with Energise Gala funding floral displays to enhance ‘Tapestry Way’ at Douglas Bridge and Channel Street.

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