Walk It events back on track

Walk It walks are Covid-friendly guided walks in and around our towns.Walk It walks are Covid-friendly guided walks in and around our towns.
Walk It walks are Covid-friendly guided walks in and around our towns.
The Borders walking for health project, Walk It, is back on track after the Covid-19 restrictions were eased.

Part of the Paths for All network, the low-level guided walks last around 60 minutes and finish up with refreshments … ideal for anyone looking to be more active, feel fitter, enjoy time outdoors and make new friends.

The project has also added several new walks to those already available including two new ones in Stow (Tuesdays at 12.30pm and Thursdays at 10.30am), one in Kelso (Fridays at 11am) and a dementia-friendly walk in Walkerburn (Wednesdays at 10am).

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Two Walk it Easy routes aimed at people with a disability or long term health condition are now available in Galashiels (Thursdays at 10am) and Kelso (Fridays at 11am). These are shorter and cover easier terrain to accommodate people who may have a walking aid, wheelchair or mobility scooter. They are also suitable for people who may have lower levels of fitness post-lockdown and are supported by two Walk It leaders wherever possible.

Councillor Tom Weatherston, SBC’s executive member for adult wellbeing, said: “With all the challenges that Covid has brought us, being able to get out into the fresh air and take some much-needed exercise is more important than ever. Our Walk It walks are extremely popular for all the benefits they bring and it is great news that they have been able to resume after the most recent period of lockdown.”

A full list of the walks currently available can be found on the council website at www.scotborders.gov.uk/walkit or alternatively, from the Walk It Co-ordinator on 01835 826702 or by email at [email protected]

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