Nominations invited for election to Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss community council

Nominations are invited for Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss Community Council.Nominations are invited for Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss Community Council.
Nominations are invited for Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss Community Council.
Nominations are invited from members of the community whose names appear on the current electoral register for the Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss community council area.

They have from Monday, October 25 to Monday, November 15 at 4pm to put their name forward to become a community councillor. There are nine vacancies. In the event of there being more nominations than places, a ballot will be held.

Anyone interested in working with their community is encouraged to put their name forward.

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Nomination forms can be obtained from Stichill and Ednam village halls; the vestries of Ednam and Stichill parish churches; and Scottish Borders Council’s website:

Completed forms should be returned to: Fiona Henderson, Ednam, Stichill and Berrymoss Community Council Election at: Democratic Services, Scottish Borders Council, Newtown St Boswells TD6 0SA or: by email to