Scottish Borders Council chiefs face question time on social media over budget

Tweeddale East councillor Shona Haslam.Tweeddale East councillor Shona Haslam.
Tweeddale East councillor Shona Haslam.
Scottish Borders Council chiefs are to take part in a live social media question-and-answer session next week.

Borderers can put council leader Shona Haslam and executive member for finance George Turnbull on the spot via Twitter or Facebook.

The pair will take to social media channels on Monday, December 11, from 6pm to 7pm to answer questions about the local authority’s budget and services.

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The online event is part of a consultation also seeking views on the council’s spending plans through the online tool at

Tweeddale East councillor Mrs Haslam said: “A number of ideas have been submitted to us already, but we are very keen to engage with the public on this – where do you think the council’s priorities should be on spending and how can we generate additional income and make savings?

“Like all households, we need to balance the books, and setting the budget is one of our most important jobs.

“This is why we are asking the public to help us in identifying where we can make savings, generate additional income and prioritise spending.

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“Taking to the council’s social media channels is another easy way for people to engage in this process.

“I can reassure residents that we will consider every suggestion that is put forward. While we cannot promise that we will do everything that is suggested, we will carefully consider every single one.”

Hawick and Hermitage councillor Mr Turnbull added: “We are continuing to work with council officers to ensure we make decisions which protect core services and make efficiencies wherever possible.

“However, it’s not easy with decreasing amounts coming from central government and increased pressures to deliver bigger and better services.

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“This is why it is really important that residents submit their ideas into us and also take part in the live Q&A on social media.

“We are keen to hear your views and answer any questions you might have.”

You can take part on or

Anyone not available on Monday evening can submit a question in advance by posting it on the Facebook page or on Twitter using #bordersbudget.