Peebles on the podium to accept gold award for delivering successful school PE programme

Some of the award recipients from Peebles High School.Some of the award recipients from Peebles High School.
Some of the award recipients from Peebles High School.
Peebles High School has been recognised by SportScotland with the awarding of a Gold School Sports Award.

The accolade is based on an in-depth critique of the practice and ethos at a school.

The award, which lasts for three years, recognises and celebrates successful PE curriculum delivery and school sport models.

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Acting rector Paul Fagan was delighted to accept the award alongside athletics captain Bryony Paterson, hockey captain Kazya Stevens, and rugby captain Innes Minto. It was presented on behalf of sportscotland by former Edinburgh Rugby coach Rob Moffat ( now coaching Romania) and Scottish U16 hockey coach Pippa Bell.

David Changleng, of the school’s physical education department, said: “This award is for all pupils at Peebles HS who represent the school in the huge variety of sports we play. It also recognises the fabulous help we get from our wider community, who volunteer as match officials and coaches. Parents should be very proud of the hard work their children put in on a daily basis. The Gold Award also acknowledges the PE curriculum we run at Peebles HS, which is satisfying too.”

Galashiels Academy is the only other Borders school to have been given the award.

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